Before we begin, I believe it’s important that we set the record straight. Many of our people–good people, some even educated people–have been swept away by emotion and have been casting recriminations against all of India for this betrayal. Some have even been committing sedition and stirring up treason and rebellion.
Make no mistake, the Republic of India is all that safeguards what remains of the culture, language, and spirit of the Andhras of old. Cast blame where it lies, with the parties and politicians responsible. Not the common people, the aam Andhras of whatever region or the aam admis of other parts of India. Neither forgive nor forget what happened on the Palnati of Rajpath, but if you have any sense, if you have learned anything from the blunders committed by the Telugus and other Indians of the last decade (and millennium), remember this wise flyer from a certain Revolution of 1776 that, unlike the 1857 Rebellion, actually succeeded in defeating its European oppressor:

All the states, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Gujarat to Guwahati must remain united–for their own security, prosperity, and posterity.
So for all those of you who have awakened in a spirit of political consciousness and societal renewal, prove yourself by doing the following:
1. Nip in the bud–through counterargument & comment–any sort of seditious talk, from not only yourself, but your friends, family, and even any nitwit who manages to get himself printed in a publication at home or abroad. Tell them that there are no quick fix solutions, and righting any wrongs must not create new wrongs.
2. Promise yourself now that you will for at least 15 minutes minimum each day, think, plan, read about, or do something for the awareness, education, and cultural & economic renewal of your society. It can be as passive as reading more than just 1 newspaper to get insight or as active as organizing a clean up of the trash heap in your neighborhood or as soulful as merely reading some Telugu/Sanskrit poetry. If you miss a day or several–make up for it, over the week or over several.
Making Sense of What happened
Now that the shock of last week’s trauma has worn off. Don’t just get mad, understand what actually happened. The devil is always in the details, so Read the Text.
Next, understand that a constitutional amendment is in the cards, and it is very like that Hyderabad will be carved out as Union Territory–(no doubt after the elections).
Third, Rayala-Telangana may very well be pushed through. So don’t get distracted–protest against this and prevent further partition. However aesthetically questionable the new geography may be, keeping our people together is the priority.
Finally, remember that what happened was not only a blot on democracy, but an insult to all Indians, who now see that Andhra Pradesh, the state that, more than any other, the Indian National Congress owes its undeserving riches and power, can be so contemptuously and communally ripped to shreds, then none are safe. It shows that even sycophancy, which idiot Indians (Telugu and Non-Telugu alike) have raised to an embarrassing artform, does not guarantee anything.
Bifurcation is an insult to all the great patriots sprung from India’s sacred soil. But secession, and separatism? No my fellow Andhraites, this is not only foolhardy and foolish, it is treacherous. Telugu Thalli is our Mother, but Bharat Mata is our Grandmother–to forsake either of them would be a sin worthy of Naraka. You would only be repeating the mistake of our Telangana brethren, and further divide your own Andhra people–in such an event, I certainly would not be on your side.
Remember that while an injustice was done to us all, India is all that protects you. For all your tough talk, it is primarily the lives of your North Indian brothers which safeguards you from the asuric scum of the earth across the LOC. Contributions to the national exchequer (which are decreasingly being used for national defense) are not only measured in money and infrastructure, but also in blood. The next time you dabble in Andhra or South Indian secessionism, ask yourself whether along with your BPO & IT coolie revenue your state disproportionately contributes jawans and officers as well…
As a great patriot once said:
So do not forgive and do not forget, but do focus (and tell any and all illiterate Andhra acquaintances to do the same). Focus your energies and your passions into productive and useful endeavors and efforts that, for once, help not only yourself or your family, but your community, people, region, and dharma. Instead of thrashing about like a headless chicken, learn the lesson. Indians may be the most historically challenged people on earth, but even they should be able to remember so recent an outrage (and the ultimate cause of it). So learn your lesson and focus your energy on making the most of what remains of Andhra Pradesh (irrespective of whether Rayala-Telangana happens after the elections). Focus on Rebuilding Andhra.
The first step is a cultural awakening. The second step is planning. One of our statesmen (pun intended) has already started a wonderful site focused on harnessing your youthful passion, energy, and fury, and using it for a productive purpose: To Rebuild Andhra.
I highly recommend you also check out his forum and participate and even contribute there. It is a far better use of your precious time, energy, and lives than ill-fated anti-national rebellion–or nonsensical and never-ending navel-gazing. Let ACP refresh your weary and despondent spirits in the fountain of Andhra culture, and let RA be the brain-storming room that builds a better Andhra, from the ground up. Both spirit and mind must be strengthened before the body can again be made whole…
The Road Ahead

First and foremost, my personal view is, rather than continue to call our state Andhra Pradesh, we should call it Seemandhra (with Kosta and Rayalaseema divisions). This is because history was used to divide us (i.e. “Telanganites historically different”, “Andhra means only coast”, “Nizam did all development in Hyd.–even Hitec city and metro!”). Therefore, history must now be corrected. Andhra refers to the entire undivided state of Andhra Pradesh. That is historically Andhra (and ironically according to the Nizam’s own records, historical Telangana as well). Telangana was the name given by the Turks to the land of the Telugu speakers (aka “Telangi-Bedangi”). Our relatives in Telangana may have made their choice, let us make ours.
Second, let us avoid the mistake of the charlatans across the border who are moving on to the next step of social engineering before they get re-digested by the razakars. Having tampered with history, now they are tampering with language. So let us take time to understand who we were, who we are, and who we are destined to be. This means understanding your history and culture…and civilization. Andhras are an Indic people. Dharma is in our blood, and it is the unifying principle that ties us to all other Indians. So let us re-imbue our culture with this idea and together water this seed, so it may again bloom. In my view, irrespective of Hyderabad getting Joint capital/UT status, Guntur should be our new cultural capital–and a new foundation laid in the town that restores its ancient name of Amaravati: the Rajdhani of the Satavahanas. To raise ourselves to dignity, let us dignify our names and cities once again.
Third, let us use our brains to not just memorize, spew, and thoughtlessly do, but actually think. Indians are great at jugaad, but terrible problem-solvers when it comes to medium and long term issues. Worse, we are simply horrible team players. Every idiot who got some rinky-dink gold medal in primary school thinks only he should know everything and be a dictator lording over the rest. Pick up a team sport if you have to (like field hockey); real thinking is not just analytical, it is systemic, and inter-personal. So throw away Ayn Rand and pick up Stephen Covey.
In sum, I again urge you all to take a look at this well-designed site, with a great vision, and a great mission so we can all unitedly Rebuild Andhra.